gnomehack-1.0.5: description + notes

gnomehack is a GNOME front-end to the venerable nethack game. Version 1.0.5 is based on nethack 3.2.3. The GnomeHack home page has documentation and screen shots.

Note: You must tell your X server about the nethack font. You can tell one X session to use the installed fonts with:

	% xset fp+ /usr/freeware/lib/X11/fonts/misc

To make the effect permanent for future X sessions you probably have to edit some files in your X installation. For instance, you might include the xset command above line in your ~/.xinitrc or ~/.xsession file, or edit /var/X11/adm/Xservers to extend the default fontpath.

To auto-install this package, go back and click on the respective install icon.